About me

I am a skilled Embedded Software Engineer with expertise in Software Engineering Processes and Automotive engineering, boasting 5 years of experience in Software Embedded Development.

I am currently working for FPT Software. My focus is on the automotive software engineering learning A-SPICE , AUTOSAR and OSEK.

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Current to Past Employers
Personal Abilities

Always be better than the yesterday you.

Critical Thinker

I analyze and create balance perspective to be able to asses conditions and scenarios.

Problem Solver

Always create plan on how to solve problems that you have encounter. Step by step problem tracing and create solutions is better for other to understand

Work Ethic

Prioritize responsibility without compromising life and social


Education is a key component for unlocking your potential.

Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering Major in Mechatronics and Robotics

Mapua Institute of Technology
ICCAE 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 12th International Conference on Computer and Automation - Development of Microcontroller-based LED Sunphotometer with Sun tracking System for Measuring Aerosol Optical Properties Portable-Automated Attendance System using RIFD



Industry Experiences

I been in the embedded system industry for 5 years, 2 years on this is on Automotive Embedded Engineering. Currently focusing on Automotive SPICE, particularly on Software Engineering Process Group. Following V-Model Methodology and Applying Agile on a Case-to-case basis on certain aspect of A-SPICE. I handled Software Architectural Design (SWE2) up to Software Qualification Test (SWE6) and Implementing Automation using Jenkins and Python for CI\CD for Supporting Process Group (SUP 9) of A-SPICE.

Automotive Embedded Software Engineer - FPT Software Ho Chi Minh/FPT Automotive Philippines

October 2022 ─ Present

• AUTOSAR BSW Developer for FPT Global Automotive & Manufacturing in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Responsible for Software Unit Verification (ASPICE SWE.4) for OS Stack Module maintenance, Test Case improvement and automation testing and software development and validation, Work with TC39x, S32K31x (arm), U2Ax(rh850) and CYT6BJ.
• Experience in working according to A-SPICE process Software Engineering Process Group
• Responsible for Software Integration and Integration Test (ASPICE SWE.5) for Bug-fixing Test Application including enhancement coding using code-generator-tool based on AUTOSAR configuration.
• Responsible for Software Quality Test (ASPICE SWE.6) for OS System Services Module for BSW and Software Test Automation and Integration• Responsible for Software Unit Design (ASPICE SWE. 3) for Generator Code Rule and Validation Rules
• Responsible for Implementing CI/CD (ASPICE SUP.9) using Jenkins and Python for Automation of Static Analysis for multiple configurations using PolySpace Bug-Finder and Code-Prover for OS applications and Test Application for OS features. (Python and Bat Scripting)
• Experience for Static Analysis and compliant for MISRA-C:2012 for fixing and following rules and standards. Also including fixing defects in the OS static code module for S32K31x development.
• Experience for Software Architectural Design (ASPICE SWE.2) Enterprise Architecture software for Activity Diagram for Functions and Structure for OS Stack module.
• Experience with TC39x (Infinion) development for XCP Communication Module (ASAM 1.2 specification) and Software Verification using CANape and INCA including Calibration, Measurement and Flash Programming and DAQ feature of XCP module• Experience for creating CAPL script programming using CANoe for SQT Cases for XCP Communication Module
• Experience with Greenhill and GNU compilation and Trace 32 debugger.

Software Embedded Engineer- FPT Software Philippines

October 2022─ January 2022

• Migration of Embedded System Product design of customer current devices to be ported and source to a different microcontroller target.
• Responsible for creation of document, system analysis, diagram and flow creation and reverse engineering.
• Responsible for creation of library migration for PIC24 code-based to STMicrocontroller STM32, and NXP development boards FRDM-K64.

Java Support Developer

April 2022─ June 2022

• Java Software Application Support that analyzes the issues encountered though the functionality of the application. Determine solutions and produce workaround fixes for the application.
• Handling ticket incidents and service requests for the application and creating fixes for the bugs and problems encountered on the functionality of the software.

Project Development Engineer

August 2019─ April 2022

• Personalization of Smart Card’s operating systems to be for different clients’ specific requirements. Includes developing custom features and application.
• Responsible for Software configuration, test applications, and data generation for the profiles, standards and custom validations using emulators and test smart cards.
• Responsible for the development and designing automation test script for testing the functionalities of the Smart Cards for the convenience of Validation in aligned with 3GPP and ETSI Standards.
• Organized and documents the test results for the technical consultant of the organization using product data management system like Windchill PDMLink.
• Project Involvement includes:
           > Telco OS Customization: Development of customized telco operating system of the smart card for customer’s specification using C and validated by vb.net.
                  - Embedded C/C++ and VB for validation using Visual Studio. Versioning and Repository using MKS Integrity, Mercurial, Windchill PDMLink
                   - Smart Card Emulation using Eclipse S8 Altera Quartus II Programmer and Signal Tap  
           > Software Configuration Porting: Personalization of one chip to another chip  
                 - Gemalto Tool and WinSPI Scripting. Versioning using Windchill PDMLink  o Data Processing for Card Development: Generate image files using Key Management System of Thales.  
                  - Testing includes card authentication properties and Pin and admin key management, application response and functional testing of the Subscriber Identity Module
          > Card Validation Tool: Creation of Test Script based on the ETSI and 3GPP Standards, apply unit testing for Test script functionality using VB.Net and C# for validation.
                  - Visual Basic for development and C# for Validation, Versioning and Repository, NuGet and Mercurial
                  - Management of JIRA for the Card Validation Tool Test Script Developers

Software Quality Tester

April 2017─ Novemember 2017

Application function testing and Non-Regression Testing using automated scripting and creation test functions


Skills I learned through the years.

Its hard to accurately rate yourself because we still keep learning and knowledge is such a wonderful thing to have.


Embedded C


Visual Basic / VB.Net



I Answer Your Questions

I know you have some question but I cannot anwere it all here. Maybe you and I go coffee sometimes and talk about me and how I can contribute to you in the future.


What is your College degree?


I have taken Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering major in Mechatronics and Robotics at Mapua Institute of Technology (Mapua University).


What are your life Goals?


My life goals it to have a balance life-work and social life. I am focus now to develop more of my embedded engineering skills and improve also my social and life skills.


What are your Hobbies?


I love riding motorcycles, It gives me peace of mind when I travel for longer distance. All the adrenaline and risk make it more exciting. I also preferred Hiking, Traveling and being close to nature as possible. Wildlife and Forestry also interest me.


How do you deal with problems?


I tend to always think the fastest way to solve and keep it within myself and have it as a baseline. Then add the what-ifs to apply different scenarios as possible. In this way I can come up with a quick fix before thinking for more efficient way to solve it.

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You can contact me. If you feel I’m worth something.

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